What brings you here today?

Are you stressed out? Does life seem harder than it should? Or, are you just looking for a way to keep your life on track?

Either way, you've come to the right place.

This free introduction to the Art of Balance System shows you the basic strategies for 1) staying on top of the forces that unbalance you, 2) recovering quickly if you do get knocked down, and 3) being prepared for when life throws you a curveball.

The Art of Balance system doesn't just "give a man a fish," so he can eat that day. It teaches you how to fish.

Key self-help tools and techniques selected from the full course, Mastering the Art of Balance, are integrated into a system that helps you create your own tools, develop your own techniques, refine your own strategies - and start on the path to becoming the master of your destiny.

What You Get

  • The System

    You'll learn the core concepts of the Art of Balance system for dealing with chronic stresses that wear you down a little at a time and sudden stresses that hit you hard.

  • Tools and Techniques

    Art of Balance Basic Training gives you essential tools and techniques for increasing resilience and moving step-by-step toward your goals and dreams.

  • Resources

    You'll benefit from the wisdom of 20 years of coaching and counseling packaged into 14 easy-to-follow video lectures and an accompanying worksheet.

Flexible and Adaptable

In this abbreviated version of the course Mastering the Art of Balance, you'll learn the fundamentals of a system you can apply to any kind of life issue.

Art of Balance Basic Training gives you a methodology for handling chronic problems that can take you down a little at a time:

  • Relationship issues

  • Work/life imbalance

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Medical issues

  • Addictions

And it helps you stay centered when life hits you hard:

  • Romantic breakup

  • Job loss

  • Financial crisis

  • Accident or illness

  • Loss of someone close

Build Your Personalized System

As you begin to master the Art of Balance System in this free course, you'll recognize when your balance is shaky - before you fall. And you'll boost your emotional resilience, so you can stay steady on your feet, whatever happens next.

Lecture by lecture, you'll start to build a system you can apply to whatever you may be facing now, and also to the unknowns down the road. With the help of the Art of Balance system - and life coach and therapist David J. Bookbinder's expert guidance - you'll move forward with confidence, and have a spring in your step that won't get unsprung.

Start today on your journey to a more balanced life, now and in the future.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Art of Balance Basic Training

    • Getting Started with the Art of Balance System

    • Lecture 1 - Introducing the Art of Balance System

    • Lecture 2 - Quick Win: The Three-Breath, One-Minute Meditation

    • Lecture 3 - We're Whole, but Also the Sum of Our Parts

    • Lecture 4 - The Cast of Characters: Al, Alice, and UnBalancer

    • Lecture 5 - The Cast of Characters: Balancer and Rebalancer

  • 2

    Balanced, Unbalanced, Balance Maintained

    • Lecture 6 - What to Do When Things Fall Apart

    • Lecture 7 - Quick Win: A Mini Lesson-in-Mini Self-Care

    • Lecture 8 - The Miracle Question

    • Lecture 9 - Use Scaling to Measure Your Progress

    • Lecture 10 - Experiments: Lather, Rinse, and Repeat

    • Lecture 11 - Miracle Question Demonstration: The Setup

    • Lesson 12 - The Miracle Question: Putting it All Together

    • Lecture 13 - Monitor and Maintain Balance

    • Lecture 14 - Stay Sane with the Personal Craziness Index

    • Lecture 15 - Track Your Personal Craziness Index

  • 3

    How to Get More Out of The Art of Balance System

    • More Ways to Keep Working with the Art of Balance System

    • Survey - Help Shape the Future of Art of Balance Basic Training

About the Instructor

Coach, Therapist, Author

David J. Bookbinder

David J. Bookbinder is a life coach, psychotherapist, and writer in the Boston, Massachusetts area. For 20 years, he has been helping people find balance, build resilience, overcome fear, and expand their lives.

As a therapist and coach, David accompanies people on the sometimes smooth, sometimes rocky journeys of their paths to wholeness, serving as both companion and guide. He engenders trust because his clients know, as the late Leonard Cohen put it, “I’ve been where you’re hanging, I think I can see where you’re pinned.”

David’s course Mastering the Art of Balance: Stay Sane in an Insane World packs his decades of experience and wisdom, and the system he uses in his work with clients, into one course. It's a life coaching system that helps you keep balanced now and stay resilient regardless of what you encounter going forward.

His free course Art of Balance Basic Training is a shortened version of Mastering the Art of Balance that conveys some of the key concepts and core techniques of the full course.

David is the author of several books, among them the related self-help book The Art of Balance: Staying Sane in an Insane World.

Mastering the Art of Balance:

Stay Sane in an Insane World

Check out the complete version of the Art of Balance system.

Mastering the Art of Balance: Stay Sane in an Insane World includes 40+ videos, real-life examples of the Art of Balance system in action, and more than a dozen handouts, worksheets, and related eBooks.

It's a life-changing system for overcoming obstacles and achieving your dreams in a compact, easy-to-follow package.
Balancer, UnBalancer, ReBalancer

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